Nominated for Best Short Documentary
Director: Michael Schwarz
16' • Germany • 2020
During Corona Lockdown 2020, 29 homeless people had the opportunity to temporarily be accomodated in the INNdependence hotel in Mainz, Germany. Three of the residents, Christian, Jasmin and Paul, let us partake in their individual life stories – stories that are entirely different and yet share the same experiences: living on the streets. However, the stay is only temporary – after 64 days the residents have to move out…
Writer: Michael Schwarz
Producers: Alexander Griesser & Michael Schwarz
Cinematography: Alexander Griesser
Director's Bio:
Michael Schwarz (Director, Producer) born 1979 in Nuremberg/Germany. After leaving high school, he worked for numerous Film- and Television companies; e.g. at Bavaria Film, for the television series „Siska‘‘ and on behalf of the Neue Münchner Filmproduktion as script supervisor and first assistant director. From 2002-2007, Michael Schwarz studied film- and theatre studies in Mainz while working as a freelance director and assistant director. In 2007 he began to study Film/Video at the Art Academy Mainz – in the same year foundation of „nachtschwärmerfilm‘‘ together with Alexander Griesser. After getting his art diploma in 2011, Michael Schwarz became master apprentice of Prof. Dr. Harald Schleicher (Art Academy Mainz, film class) and carries on working as a freelance director and author.